
Jessica Farber is a mom of two who's redefining the way we raise our sensitive kids. She created Big Feelings Child to nurture sensitive kids' inner strength and help overwhelmed parents feel more confident.

Do you have the kind of child with big emotions and anxieties that sometimes feel overwhelming? Highly sensitive kids go into fight or flight more quickly than others. They get easily frustrated, angry, or anxious. They bottle up their feelings and explode seemingly out of the blue.

No wonder you’re in survival mode.

You are tired of walking on eggshells. And when you’re not downright exhausted, you’re staying up late at night wondering whether you're doing enough for your child. You’ve already talked to specialists, but you feel like they don’t understand highly sensitive child traits.

Hi, I'm Jessica. I'm a mom of two, and I've created Big Feelings Child to equip sensitive kids and their parents with the emotional regulation tools they need to thrive in our fast-paced world. The guidelines and strategies in this digital kit have played a massive role in my transformation from a burnt-out mom to the calm leader that my kids need.

If you’re a worried parent like me, if you’re ready to come out of survival mode after years of putting your needs on hold, and are ready to parent according to your and your child’s emotional needs, then you’ve come to the right place.

With care,

Big Feelings Child - Highly Sensitive Child - Deeply Feeling Kids - Workbook

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